Dans le cadre de mon premier stage, je dois préparer et réaliser une activité avec les enfants. Mon enseignante-associée m'avait suggéré d'aller vers les arts plastiques, puisque c'est la matière la plus facile pour commencer.
For my first teaching practice, I have to prepare and realize an activity with the children. My associate-teacher had suggested me to begin with arts, since it's the easiest subject to teach.
J'ai regardé plein de choses sur le net, et j'ai vu de bien beaux bricolages, mais je n'en trouvais pas qui soient significatifs ET assez courts. J'ai donc montré ma meilleure découverte à mon enseignante, une mangeoire à oiseaux. Elle pensait seulement que c'était une bonne idée, mais que c'était trop cher et long à réaliser.
I looked at tons of ideas on the Internet, and I've seen many beautiful things to do, but nothing that was both significant AND short to realize. I showed my teacher my best discovery, a feeding dish for birds. She thought it was a good idea, but that it was too long ans expensive to realize.
Elle m'a donc montré quelque chose qu'elle pensait faire depuis un bon bout de temps, mais qu'elle n'avait pas le temps de préparer. Elle ne savait pas encore comment adapter cela aux jeunes non plus, mais elle m'a suggéré de jeter un coup d'oeil. J'ai trouvé l'idée très bonne.
So she showed me someting she wanted to do for a long time, but that she didn't have time to prepare. She didn't know yet how to adapt the activity to her students as well, but suggested me to have a look at it.
Dans le livre d'éthique et culture religieuse, ils proposent de créer une courtepointe (en papier). Chaque morceau représente un module du livre, et la couture représente, si on veut, la greffe des connaissances générales, et la connaissances des autres. Les enfants doivent trouver une image représentant le module et la coller sur un carton.
In the students ethic and religious culture book, it was proposed to create a paper counterpane. Each piece represent a chapter of the book, and the sewing represents the addition of the general knowledge, and the knowledge of other people. The children must find an image for each chapter and stick it on a paper.
Or, le problème ici, c'est que les enfants de la classe voient le livre d'éthique et culture sur deux ans. Et que jusqu'à maintenant, ils n'ont vu que les deux premiers modules.
The problem here is that the children in my class see the book on two years. And until now, they've just seen the first two chapters.
Cependant, chaque module est séparé en unités. J'ai pensé que les enfants pourraient se séparer les images à trouver, une pour chaque unité.
What I found out, though, is that each chapter is also separated into units. I thought each children could separate the images they have to find, one for each unit.
J'ai trouvé plusieurs sortes de papier de scrapbooking que je suis allée trancher en carrés de 15x15 cm. J'ai pensé qu'ils pourraient coller leurs images sur ce papier et brocher les papiers ensemble au fur et à la mesure au précédent.
I found out many models of scrapbooking papers that I cut into 15x15 cm squares. I thought they could stick the images on these papers and bind the each new paper to the last one.
Comme les TED ont besoin de voir le résultat final avant d'entreprendre quelque chose, j'ai créé ma propre courtepointe, mais avec des images représentant mes intérêts. Le résultat est très joli. Le voici:
Since the autists need to see the final result before to begin something, I created my own counterpane, but with images representing my interests. The result is beautiful. Here it is:
Vous allez me dire que c'est une projet encore plus long que de faire des mangeoires à oiseaux dans des boîtes de lait. Et vous avez raison. Cependant, après avoir fait les débuts de la courtepointe, les enfants n'auront qu'à trouver une image une fois de temps en temps à la courtepointe. Ils la verront évoluer semaine après semaine, ce qui, je l'espère, les motivera dans leurs cours d'éthique et culture religieuse.
You're going to tell me that this project is even longer then the one of the feeding dish in a milk box. And you're right. But after doing the first step of the counterpane, the children will only have to find the images one by one and to stick it on a paper and bind it. Each week, they will see the evolution of the counterpane, something that I hope will motivate them into their ethic and religious culture course.
De plus, c'est une vraie de vraie tâche, comme le ministère de l'éducation souhaite que nous mettions en place depuis la réforme. Elle intègre des savoirs et des compétences disciplinaires en arts plastiques, en éthique et culture religieuse, en français et même en informatique ! Elle permet de développer des compétences transversales telles que coopérer, mettre en oeuvre sa pensée créatrice et exploiter les technologies de l'information et de la communication. Finalement, elle s'inscrit dans le domaine de formation général de vivre ensemble et citoyenneté.
What's more, it's a real task like what the Ministry of Education wants us to create since the reform. It integrates knowledges and competences of different subjects, such as arts, ethic and religious cultures, french and computing ! It allows to develop transverse skills such as cooperate, develop its creative thought, and use the technologies of information and communication. Finally, it fits with living together and citizenship general domain of education.
Même si l'idée m'a été suggérée, je dois avouer que je suis assez fière de mon activité ! Et vous, qu'en pensez-vous ?
Even though the idea has been suggested to me, I have to admit that I am quite proud of my activity ! What do you think about it ?
4 commentaires:
First of all: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! ;D
I wish you a nice celebration and a relaxed Sunday!
Wow, I think this is a great idea with paper counterpane! Especially because it mixes so many different school subjects.
I can already see the interesting results that children will make. You could take photos of those as well and put them on your blog if the children will agree. I'd love to see their work.
By the way, I was on your blog for books and I was happy to learn that you started translating in English once again. Sometimes it really annoys me to read in French all the time because I still don't understand many things. I mean, it's fun for about 40 lines but then it becomes unbearable.
Anyway, I'll end here before I get carried away. XD
Thanks for tnking about my birthday !
I can't wait to see the result with the children ! I also thought about taking pictures of their work, but it won't be finnished when I'll quit, so it will be an incomplete work... I'll see what I'll do later..
About the blog about books, I never stopped translating in english, it's just that the last books that I had read were untranslated books, so I did not see the point of translating it in english.
I understand that it is difficult for you to read in french, but you don't have to read it anyways since you won't be able to find them in french.
Vesna, I forgot to tell you: I'll try to reply to your email soon.
No problem, really! Take your time, please. I'd rather wait for the next two months so that you can find some time than having your answer right away. Because I absolutely hate writing anything when I'm not in the mood and I suppose the same goes for you. And when I'm busy constantly and if I have some little time I spend it only for myself: to get rest, relax, etc. I just don't have the energy for doing anything else. It's so scarry if I only think that I'm in school and I do things connected with school for about 10-12 hours a day and then I'll go doing something similiar for the next few hours where I have to use my brains all over again. Yeah, right, of course I'll do it! I should be dead by now if I would.
I have no idea if this is understandable but I need to have my lunch, I'm starving! See ya
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