Encore hier, j'étais toute désespérée à l'idée que l'été s'achève et que l'université recommence bientôt. Bien involontairement, je suis tombée sur LE livre qui allait me faire changer d'avis et vouloir retourner à l'université au plus vite: «Bouillon de Poulet pour l'âme des Professeurs».
Yesterday, I was still desperated to the idea of going back to the university soon. The hasard put on my way THE book that would make me change my mind and want to go back to the university as soon as possible: « Chicken Soup for the Teacher's Soul».
Moi qui doute souvent que l'enseignement soit fait pour moi, ce livre me permet de me reconnecter avec les raisons qui font que je veux devenir enseignante.
Often doubting that the job of teacher is made for me, this books allows me to reconnect with the reasons that made me want to become a teacher.
Les histoires sont très courtes et touchantes. Je les lis les unes après les autres, et je les savoure toutes sans exception.
The stories are very short and touching. I read them one after the other, and I like them all without exception.
Moi qui me suis laissée dire à plusieurs reprises que les Bouillon de poulet sont quétaines... Je regrette de les avoir écoutés.
Many times I've heard Chicken Soups are bad taste... I regret that I have listened to them.
À lire absolument pour tous les enseignants, les enseignantes et les futurs enseignants.
To be read absolutely by every teacher and future teacher.
Un article plus poussé va suivre sur mon blog lecture lorsque j'en aurai terminé la lecture.
A more complete article will follow on my lecture blog when I'll be done reading it.
5 commentaires:
Hello Isabelle!
I've been wanting to tell you how good these books are. There are several: Chicken soup for the teenage soul, for the surviving soul, for the pet lover's soul, for the woman's soul, for the mother's soul, for the Christian soul, for the kid's soul and so on and so on. I've read all of them a few years ago. I also copied all the quotes in a notebook (that was some kind of my summer job, haha).
So, I'd recommend you all of them!
Though I'm thinking of re-reading Chicken Soup for the teenage soul. I couldn't believe that all of them can be so interesting and funny as the first one, but they are, so basically it doesn't matter which one you pick, unless you're interested in particular field, of course.
Anyway, gotta go - see ya!! ;))
I've also wrote down a couple of the quotes from the Chicken Soup I'm reading. I really like them.
And the stories... one of them made me think about that little girl that was in my class... and had the same name ! That was pretty shocking..
I'm begining to think about reading the other Chicken Soup too. If they're all that good, it's probably worth it !
They are worth it but another great thing is that you can stop reading whenever you want and continue after some time and you won't miss a thing! So, I was reading them the same time I was reading something else. That's pretty cool.
And I remember I used one story from The Teenage's soul for my school project about Anne Frank because the whole story about her was so beautifully described. So I will ceratinly buy this one Chicken soup if I see it somewhere!
I agree with you, the stories are so short that you can easily read them between other books. Too bad, I borrowed it to the library and it's the last one I had to read !
I'm thinking about buying this book. I'm studying to become a teacher, and I know it won't be easy everyday, and I believe reading these short stories will help me to remember why I wanted to become a teacher in the beginning.
If you like the book and has already helped you, why not? ;)
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