Voici quelques photos prises lors du tour de bus dans la ville de Toronto.
Here are some of the pictures that were taken during our city tour bus in Toronto.
Le Rogers Centre, le stade des Blue Jays au baseball et des Argonauts au football.
The Rogers Centre home to the baseball Blue Jays and football's Argonauts.
Front Street à l'heure de pointe.
Front street when people get out of their job.
L'Agence du Revenu du Canada, là où nos rapports d'impôts s'en vont, apparemment !
Revenu Canada Agency, where apparently our taxes go !
Le temple de la renommée du hockey, situé dans une bien belle bâtisse !
Hockey Hall of Fame, in a beautiful building !
The hair at the bottom of the picture are mine !
Le Canada Permanent Building. J'ai entendu que le hall d'entrée de cet édifice est magnifique.
Canada Permanent Building. I heard the hall of this buiding is wonderful.
Le plus vieil hôtel de Toronto, dont je ne me rappelle plus le nom.
Toronto's oldest hotel. I don't remember the name.
L'une des nombreuses églises et cathédrales que nous avons vue. Il y en avait tellement que je n'ai pas pu retenir laquelle est laquelle. La plus vieille, la première cathédrale catholique, anglicane, etc...
One of the several churches we've seen. There were so many that I couldn't remember which one is which one. The oldest, the first catholic cathedral, anglicane, etc...
Old City Hall
Old City Hall
Une autre cathédrale.
Another cathedral.
Cette publicité du casino de Niagara Falls était saisissante ! Je vous jure qu'au début j'ai cru qu'il y avait vraiment de vraies personnes dans cette échelle !
This publicity for Niagara Falls casino looked real ! I swear I first thought there were real people in this ladder !
Le coin des publicités. Sans jamais y être allée, cela m'a fait penser à New-York.
Publicities corner. Without even having been there, it made me think of New York.
Je ne me rappelle plus c'était quoi, mais c'était cute !
I don't remember what it was, but it was cute !
Le restaurant favori de Brad Pitt et Angelina Jolie à Toronto.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's favorite restaurant in Toronto.
Casseloma, un magnifique château qui malheureusement était en rénovation lors de notre passage. Nous n'avons donc pas pu prendre de photo d'ensemble du château.
Casseloma, a beautiful castel that was unfortunately under renovations when we passed there. That's why we couldn't take an overall picture of the cassel.
Une des tours de Casseloma.
One of the multiple Casseloma's towers.
Situé sur le campus de l'université de Toronto, ce vieux clocher n'a plus d'église. Elle a pris en feu il y a de cela des années.
Located on Toronto university campus, this old bell has no more church. It burnt many years ago.
Il y a d'autres endroits que j'aurais aimé prendre en photo, mais je n'avais pas l'appareil photo. J'aurais aimé prendre, entre autres, le Distillery District, qui m'a fait pensé au Vieux Québec, et un quartier, je ne sais pas lequel, dont les façades de maison étaient une replique de celles d'Amsterdam !
There are other places I would have love to take pictures of, but I didn't have the camera. I would have loved to have a picture of the Distillery District, who made me think of Old Quebec City and of a neighboorhood (I don't know the name) where the houses were the exact replica of those in Amsterdam !
3 commentaires:
I think it must be fun very fun being in a bus that suddenly jumps into the water, I'd like to experience this once!
The CN glass floor would probably scare me too, especially since you said there was a very strong wind blowing. It would be different if the place was "sealed" from the outside.
I don't know what can the passangers in the 2nd floor of a double decker do when it's raining. Are they supposed to hold the umbrella, take the pictures, listening to the guide AND look around? Oh, and I must not forget all the branches that can bump into your head every minute. At first I thought it's a nice way to take a double decker to avoid the horrible long-hours walking in the crowded streets but when you named all the problems you had I had many second thoughts.
By the way, congratulations for your great results from teaching practice and maths. You talked so much about it I got an impression it must be really hard. I know my aunt who studies chemistry and maths has one or two exams every year that are practically impossible to pass. I think that's a horrible truth to except. I know I would be thinking like "why should I even bother? I won't pass it anyway". So you have to have a lot of discipline and a strong will otherwise you are already finished.
I know that Toronto is a city where a lot of Slovenian people live (there are even more in Cleveland which is called "Slovenian Ljubljana"), that's why I'm interested to get to know it even more.
So keep up with your trip report, it's very interesting to read it. ;)
@ Vesna:
The wind blows strong on CN tower first floor, but it's a different area from the one with the glass floor. So, no it doesn't wind on the glass floor at least !
Sure there are lots of inconvenients of being on a doubledecker when it rains, but at least there is another floor that is covered. I guess there are less tourists on rainy days anyways !
Thanks for you congratulations on my maths and teaching practice marks. I've been working hard to get them !
Toronto is a very multiethnic city, I am not surprised that there are a lot of Slovenians there. Sometimes I thought there seemed to be more migrants then natives ! But it isn't a bad thing. It brings a unique ambiance to this city.
Which Cleveland is Slovenian Ljubljana ? United States ? I think there are some Clevelands in Canada too, and many in the United States, so I was just wondering !
Oh, I meant Cleveland in US, but it's not far away from the border with Canada, it's quite a big city, I didn't have any trubles finding it on the map. I had no idea there is so many Clevelands, strange why they don't have more imagination so that they wouldn't mix all these cities.
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