First thing we did in Marineland was to see the belugas. We could see them swim through a glass.
After that, we went to see the deers. I liked that part, because there were several of them and that they let us touch them. I even found one who liked it, because I was removing his winter fur.
Il y avait également les ours noirs que l'on pouvait observer. Encore une fois, il y en avait plusieurs. On pouvait leur acheter de la nourriture et les nourrir, mais je ne l'ai pas fait. Un: ça coutait cher et deux: je suis certaine qu'ils mangent déjà beaucoup trop avec tous ces touristes les nourrissant.
There were also the black bears that we could observe. Once again, there were several of them. We could buy some food and feed them, but I didn't do it: One: It was expensive and two: I'm sure they're already overfed with all these tourist throwing them food.
Et finalement, nous sommes allées voir les poissons, que l'on pouvait également nourrir. C'était vraiment impressionnant à voir ! Un enfant lançait la nourriture et une centaine de poissons venaient à la surface pour tout dévorer. Ça m'a rappelé la fois où j'ai fait de la plongée en apnée dans les Bahamas, avec des poissons plus beaux, en plus !
Finally, we went to see the fish, that we could also feed. That was very impressive to see ! A child threw them food, and they were hundreds to come to the surface to eat everything. It reminded me of the time I snorkelled in the Bahamas. The fish were more beautiful there !
There were other animals, but like I explained in the previous post, we didn't have time to see everything !
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